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Design Trend Wire/ Designtrend Draht


Trending: Möbel und Designobjekte in klaren Linien definiert. Der aktuelle Wire-Designtrend Draht: schlicht, geometrisch

Während der vergangenen Jahre ist Draht ein beliebter Trend gewesen. Auch in diesem Jahr ist Draht nicht weniger „Hot“,. Seit dem Designklassiker Charles Eames Wire Chair, hat die internationale Designwelt ständig neue Designobjekte in Drahtoptik vorgestellt. Drahtige Gebilde, Einsichtige Wohnobjekte, Leuchten, Kunst, Installationen…alles in Draht. Wohnobjekte deren Stahlkörper aus Stäbe eine Silhouette definieren sind immer wieder ein Trend in Minimalist Design. Und die Designobjekte in Draht sind nicht mehr nur metallic, weiss oder schwarz, sondern präsentieren sich nun auch in poppigen Farben.


Trending: Furniture and product design defined by clear lines.

This trend have been around for the past years and this year was it again very hot. Ranging from Interior objets, lighting, accessories, these accent pieces in wire are part of the design scene, especially in modern minimalist design.

The effect of a wire-look in interior objects is that with their staves, they sketch a room in sleek silhouettes. The traditional black, metal wire got also a hint of popping hues of color, trendsetting the space, adding it a sleek chick look. Wire wall lettering sets personal messages in an urban, industrial look on our walls. Do you feel inspired to bring wire decor objects in your home? It is surely have been popular in japanees and scandinavian design. The Danish Brand „Bo Concept“ for example have been including design in wire look in every collection for the past years. Since the design classic Charles & Ray Eames Wire Chair, international design scene is being constantly introduced to new creations in wire optic. This week we look closely into this trend.

Designsetter Blog: Designtrend DrahtDesignsetter Blog: Designtrend Draht Designsetter Blog: Designtrend DrahtDesignsetter Blog: Designtrend DrahtDesignsetter Blog: Designtrend Draht

zeren-saglamer-grill-table-2013-03-630x472Designsetter Blog: Designtrend DrahtDesignsetter Blog: Designtrend DrahtDesignsetter Blog: Designtrend Draht

Designsetter Blog: Designtrend Draht



Main Featured Image: Jean Louis Denoit via

1. Charles Eames Wire Chair

2. Nulla / Dimma Loginoff

3.4 Edison Collection / Marioni

5. West Elm Table

7. Grill Table / Zeren Saglamer

8. Sekitei/ Nendo > for Cappellini

9. 10. Bo Concept

11. Bolia Hex Couchtisch